Thursday 28 May 2009

Daily Routine Game


  1. This game is a great idea.I like it! I do,however, have a question. After the students choose their character, do they continue going around the board until they gather all characters info, or just their own? And a die is used, right?
    Thanks,I'm gonna definitely use it,
    Jerome Corbett--Korea

  2. Hi, Jerome!

    Well, it is up to your students! They can stop playing as soon as one of them has gathered all the information about one character! Or they can decide to collect the information for all the characters! I think it is also a question of how much time you have to play the game!


  3. It's a fabulous game!
    It's a TREASURE !!!!
    The idea, design, planning - everything is perfect! I am so thankful to you!!!!
    Laurence,I'm gonna definitely use it too!!!
    Thanks for sharing again and again!Victoria

  4. Hello Laurence!
    J'aurais aimé tester ton routine game mais quand je clique dessus j'ai le message "fichier non disponible". Du coup, j'ai essayé avec d'autres docs mais c'est pareil. Y-a-t-il un moyen de voir le doc?
    Merci d'avance.
    Encore bravo pour ton travail: j'ai testé ton Time minibook l'an dernier et les élèves ont adoré.
